Review of Section 44

Section 44 (2008)
Funny movie!
6 August 2017
I thought that this film is impressive. There is tension – what has become of this lead character? I thought that a dark room gives us fear too. It is said that policemen makes a suspected person recognize a crime by threatening words. Because of this, I thought that there is much fear in the scene, and I wonder that there are these happening in real. Also, when people are forced into a corner and they want to survive, I thought that they may act like this lead character. I enjoyed these act of him, consequence and ending. Next, I found that wave of a story in film and a way that gives audiences impact at first and so on. I thought that although we study this in our class, when there are wave of a story and so on, the film become interesting. I thought that this film makes us enjoy and be surprised, so I like this film very much.
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