As about as good as anyone could have filmed it
14 August 2017
As is the case with all of the Lumiere Brothers documentaries, this one is worth seeing for the facts that it presents people long gone, and places that have changed over the years. Here we are treated to a male lion who has long since died (camera's up close enough to get a sense of his proportions) being fed by a zookeeper. Or is it more like being tortured by a zookeeper? Another reviewer said that it's not very well filmed and could have been better if the Lumieres had filmed it themselves. I think quite the opposite. That lion looked ferocious enough to me, any closer and that would've been the end of the cameraman and the film. Probably the biggest problem with this short is that the print, like many of the other Lumiere films, is shaky and a bit choppy. If that doesn't bother you then this film is well worth a minute of your time.
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