Review of Watchers II

Watchers II (1990)
More of a Remake than an Actual Sequel
19 August 2017
This movie begins in a top-secret laboratory where a private corporation named is conducting genetic experiments on animals. However, when two agents for the NSA infiltrate the lab and get killed by one of the animals, management makes the decision to destroy all of the evidence as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the lead scientist named "Steve Malceno" (Jonathan Farwell) doesn't agree with this decision and allows the most dangerous specimen to escape. This decision has disastrous consequences for everybody in its path. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that, rather than being a true sequel, this film is essentially a remake of the original movie. Although not quite as good, in my opinion, as its predecessor it is compensated to a certain degree by the presence of Marc Singer (as "Paul Ferguson"), Tracy Scoggins ("Barbara White") and to a limited extent Irene Miracle ("Sarah Ferguson"). There was also some humor here and there which certainly didn't hurt either. But even so, the predictable plot and lack of suspense definitely affected this film and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
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