The One (II) (2011)
Absolutely exhausting to watch everybody TRYING so hard...
29 August 2017
Got to chime in with everything scootmandutoo said. I don't think I can remember a single moment in this whole movie that I found emotionally convincing, or even plausible. Was it the hackneyed writing, the extremely far-fetched situation (yeah, I guess there may be guys out there from the Ivy League-Choate-Amherst-Wall Street law firm set that actually stay deep in the closet at this late date, if only to clinch their places in Daddy's country club and will, but I just don't travel in those exalted circles), or the unbelievably _earnest_ efforts made by all the actors other than the male leads? No, they all tried so damn hard it wore me out to watch them. And then you have Tommy and Daniel, whose scenes together were like a torrid (or torrid one minute, chilly the next) love affair between two planks of lumber. Did sparks fly? No, but sawdust must have piled up in the corners. Lawd have mercy, chillun, at least try to pretend you're feeling SOMETHING, not just standing around waiting for your next dividend check!

Very rarely do I regret time spent watching any movie whatever which claims to speak the Life of the Gay Male. This time I did. Folks, really don't waste your time when there are pictures like "Big Eden" and "Parting Glances" and (the hilarious) "Sordid Lives" waiting to be seen and re-seen. Listen to me. I'm your mothah. I know about these things.
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