A Standard Mummy Film
29 August 2017
This movie essentially begins with an archaeological expedition led by a man named "Sir Basil Walden" (Andre Morell) in search of the tomb of a Pharaoh's young son named "Kah-To-Bey" (Toolsie Persaud). As it so happens, the young boy was forced to flee into the desert with a loyal servant named "Prem" (Dickie Owen) because of intrigue within the Pharaoh's family. Unfortunately, the Egyptian desert proves too much for the young boy and Kah-To-Bey is buried by Prem and a curse is placed upon anyone who might disturb his master's tomb. As luck would have it the archaeological expedition finds the tomb--and brings the body of Kah-to-bey back to the nearest Egyptian city-where the wealthy financier of the expedition named "Stanley Preston" (John Phillips) takes all of the credit. What he doesn't count on, however, is the mummified body of Prem being brought back to life by the ancestral guardian of the tomb who then orders the mummy to kill all of those who dared to desecrate the sacred resting place of Kah-To-Bey. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film pretty much shared the same plot and formula as any number of "mummy films" made prior to it and as a result there really isn't much here than hasn't been seen before. Even so it was an okay movie for the most part and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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