A novel approach...
5 September 2017
How would you cope if you were trapped with your fleeting hookup, and found yourself deconstructing the encounter? Such is the engagingly modern premise of this movie. It works better than similar previous efforts such as "No Strings Attached" or "Friends with Benefits" because, a) it's funny, and b) the two characters don't know each other, so it doesn't feel contrived, and gives these people a decent excuse to be brutally honest with one another...

This framework suits Teller in particular - he was terrific in "Whiplash", but outside of drama he unfortunately projects a conceited kind of air that makes him a difficult presence to warm to. That's not a problem here, as his character in particular is given moments and lines that paint him in an unsympathetic light.

The film loses its way somewhat in the final 20 minutes, with the script searching for an unusual and plausible way of bringing the story to a conclusion (it succeeds at the former, but not so much with the latter!) For its first hour, though, this is a frank and funny look at how the different genders approach relationships.
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