Review of It

It (I) (2017)
If you're 13 or under, IT is a great summer ending film.
14 September 2017
I saw IT.

I saw IT, and for the review I thought of Abbott and Costello:

Abbott: What movie did you see? Costello: I saw IT. A: What? C: IT. A: What movie? C: IT. A: So you saw a movie? C: Yes, I saw IT.

I wish I had been thinking more along the lines of "What the hell was that!?" or "GD, I'm not seeing that again!" or "Man, that scene in the house, freaky!"

But sadly, no. It just wasn't that scary, nor was it that creepy. Nor was it funny. It was a film with some good acting by kids, some decent make up, some okay effects and not much else. Years from now I won't be talking about this film like I have after seeing Psycho, The Exorcist, Split, Get Out, Alien or other classic horror films. For creeps, see the Japanese psychological thriller "Creepy" or the Dutch film "Borgman."

The film has too many clichés. What's with the scary teeth? For me, scary teeth became a cliché after watching Alien. Couldn't we have strangling ears or a deadly projectile shooting nose instead? And why the damsel in distress? That trope is so tired, even Disney has dropped it in their latest animated films. Other than the one girl, there was the chubby kid, the Jewish kid, the total nerd, the asthmatic and the normal kid, who was cute, but had one defect of sorts. Hey, at least the one black kid doesn't die.

That's not to say it wasn't mildly entertaining. It was. And the visuals were fantastic while the music didn't suck. Instead of spending more verbiage on a forgettable film, I will cut to the chase.

Rating: Matinée. If you like horror films and hate clowns, it's worth a look. Otherwise, rent any of the above films or see The Amazing Wonder Ape World of Mexican Mutants instead.

Peace, Tex Shelters
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