Review of Escape Room

Escape Room (I) (2017)
Interesting idea, doesn't really go anywhere
18 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
For a movie that really takes place in only 1 room, it's not too bad. There are a few decent performance and the girls are great to look at but it never really delivers anything new.

I'm tickled pink to see Skeet Ulrich and Sean Young back in action and the main 4 actors were pretty good but the story just kind of lays there and never really grabs you.

Pros: The 2 girls are really pretty. The 2 guys do a competent job. Not bad for a movie that probably cost pennies to make. The actors made the best with what they were given.

Cons Inconsistent story and no real surprises. More padding than a training bra. It's an hour long movie stretched into 86 minutes through use of extreme slow motion. Plus, the main characters could have done a lot more to fight the 'monster'. They had a whole room full of potential weapons, lighters, plates, 1 chair, furniture etc. Screaming and swearing at demonically possessed killers never seems to slow them down.
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