Interesting twist on the buddy cop genre..
1 October 2017
The Romanian actors did a great job. The series has some comedic value. I grew up in a socialist country so I get what they were trying to do. The interesting thing is: After watching the whole 6 episodes, I have to say that western civilization, specifically the U.S., is not portrayed in a good light. Capitalism has many downsides, many more than socialism. That's a fact. Land of the free etc. is nothing but a bubble, always has been. There's another interesting sentence from the west: Money is the root of all evil. Truer than probably most sayings.

Enough about that, back to this series. As much as Tatum and the producers, director etc. are trying to spoof communism and everything that comes with it, I think they've actually managed to do the opposite. But, this is still just a show. Politics aside, it's entertaining. The dubbing makes it fun. That's all it is. And it's also a nice idea. I would've preferred it to be a little more funny, like Naked Gun-funny. 6.2/10 for the idea. Execution's not bad too.
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