The Last Ship: Nostos (2017)
Season 4, Episode 4
Getting high
13 October 2017
An episode with two clear parts, "Nostos" fails in both accounts, but still delivers enough enjoyment to forgive it not going anywhere in particular.

First we get Slattery trying to escape, hurt, bleeding, and getting weaker by the second, the bad guys at his heels. A woman decides to help him, but also gives him a drink that makes him see strange stuff... and then his family. All the while, the Nathan James crew is trying to find him.

The episode tries to blend some character moments (Slattery's ghost family) and action. Unfortunately, it does not a good job in either account. The dream state in which Slattery falls is overlong and boring, and even a little bit cheesy. The action is still ho-hum (as in previous episodes), just shooting and extras falling all around for no particular reason. Maybe after the bad guys of the first three seasons (Russians, Americans or Chinese & Japanese), the Greeks don't look as much as a threat as the ones that came before. On top of that, the show is not giving any time for the characters and Burk, Green and the others have turned into cut out cardboard soldiers with no life in them.

"The Last Ship" is in danger of sinking (cough sorry cough).
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