The Doctors (2008–2022)
Opiod/Fentanyl Addiction killing billions of Americans!!!!!!
26 October 2017
Hysterical, anti-opiate television shows seem to be the big thing these days. I've noticed that not ONE anti-opiate testimonial TV show ever bothers to speak to people like myself, who are chronic pain patients. I have a pain management plan that utilizes aquatherapy, massage therapy, mindfullness, and physical therapy, along with opiate pain killers. It's called a "multidisciplinary" approach to chronic, intractable pain. Does anyone besides my doctor(s) and myself care whether or not I'm able to take care of my elderly inlaws, or even more important, my autistic son? Somehow I don't think so, as I never see issues such as these addressed. When was the last time anyone mentioned that fentanyl has been used recently as pain medication for pediatric cancer patients who can't keep food down after chemo, and can't keep pain medication down either? Of course it's flavored, yet it helped to save my nephew's life. Tell both sides of the story. Ususally there's another side to the "ratings only" story. Tell it! Be honest, and let people think for themselves!
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