Review of Human Is

Electric Dreams: Human Is (2017)
Season 1, Episode 6
A change for the better?
1 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Five hundred years in the future and Earth, now known as Terra, is undergoing an ecological disaster which is destroying the atmosphere. The solution lies in extracting a needed mineral from another planet… the problem is the best source is on an inhabited planet; Rexor. The Rexorians are reportedly savage beings so it will have to be taken by force. Vera is married to Silas, a colonel who has been decorated for bravery but is cold with her. He leads the next mission to Rexor and it goes terribly wrong; the unit is ambushed and it initially appears that everybody is lost. Then the ship returns with two survivors, including Silas. Vera soon notices a difference; Silas is now attentive and loving… it is as though he is a different man. Perhaps he is… the Rexorians are metaporphs capable of taking over a person at a genetic level while keeping all of their memories. Soon he is arrested but how could he be a Rexorian; it is known that they are savage beings with no empathy.

This was an enjoyable conclusion to the first batch of episodes. Essie Davis and Bryan Cranston impress as Vera and Silas and the rest of the cast was solid too. The story is interesting even if it does feature a twist that won't surprise too many viewers. It does a fine job of creating a world that shows clear signs of being somewhat dystopian even if the people we see are at the higher echelons. Some aspects are a bit bizarre; most notable when, in an early scene, Vera slips away to a sex club that looks like a slightly less camp version of something that could have appeared in 'Barbarella'! Given the downbeat endings to many of the stories it was nice to get a feel good ending here. Overall I enjoyed this instalment and look forward to the series returning.
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