Adventures of Superman: The Birthday Letter (1952)
Season 1, Episode 7
Let's All Meet at the Engraving Company
1 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Review – The Birthday Letter 8 This episode has a lot of moving parts, a little girl stricken with polio, but never specified, asking Superman for a favor, the Daily Planet responding to her request, a wrong number dialed to her phone leading to all sorts of intrigue. The intrigue and the crime have to be solved before the request is granted. A little girl asks Superman for an escort to the fair per a letter sent in care of The Daily Planet. She answers the phone where the caller was able to leave his message before his life ended and that message is key to capturing all the crooks. An explanation of the big picture was told by Perry White past half-way though the episode and the parts of the story begin to come together for a conclusion involving the bad guys and the ultimate ending where Superman is able to meet the little girl's request. It was good to see John Doucette in a role exercising his acting talents and serving the plot well as the counterfeiters seek a solution to identifying the place to meet their double-crossing associate, secure the items he stole and brought overseas to negotiate a better deal. Worth watching to witness the tireless work put forward by the bad guys in order to secure what they had planned on receiving two months ago in Paris, France. The counterfeiters, the Duval's, hired a man named LaRue to steal the Bank of France $1,000-franc plates, but he double-crossed them, deciding to sell them to American Big Jim Hanlan, per Clark Kent's FBI friend, Craig Roberts. The little punk, Cusak, was the caller to Kathy's phone leaving the message of where and when to secure the plates from LaRue. Cusak was working for the Duval's, he probably found out where LaRue was to deliver the plates to Hanlan and thought he was calling it in to the Duvall's, but instead it was Kathy's home phone by mistake. The Duval's figured Kathy heard the message from Cusak so they abducted her hoping to ply the information via Slugger in a Superman costume, with birthday presents and sweet treats. When that ploy doesn't work, they return to Kathy's to retrieve her talking doll, figuring this act will be able to awaken the memory of Cusak's message. Lois is greeted by the Duval's quite unexpectedly in Kathy's apartment, Lois exits, hides, Duval's leave after finding the doll, Lois following, but Lois loses their cab in traffic. Clark has the cab company trace the records of the cab from Kathy's residence to determine where the Duval's are hiding Kathy. Mary had a little lamb is spoken by Kathy's doll triggering her to recall the name of the place mentioned in the phone call, i.e. Lambert Engraving Co. All the bad guys and the good guys will be meeting at the engraving company for the showdown, some will be disappointed, some content, watch to learn of the results of the meeting and Kathy's final wish come true.
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