The Star (2017)
America's Arch-Enemy, the insidious Sony MegaCorps . . .
28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . takes dead aim at the Holy Bible during its latest Trojan Horse attack against the USA and Our Christian Religion, THE STAR. From THE STAR's opening moments--in which the twisted filmmakers label Christ's impending birth "9 months BC," when ALL Biblical Scholars and even Wikipedia concur that Jesus was born in 4 BC--to its anti-Semitic attitude throughout, which goes so far as to transfer the Old Testament's Goliath to the Other Side, anyone who has read more than a couple Bible Verses will squirm uneasily as they notice something "off-kilter" in each and every lamentable scene of THE STAR. This should surprise nobody who's familiar with the Business of Cultural Warfare, as the first thing you learn studying that science is that Sony is the official propaganda arm of the Japanese Government, still sore that their rogue Samurai Codes forced the World to nuke them a couple times in the 1900s. These deviants always have had it in for the Christian Religion, as Martin Scorsese's 2016 feature film SILENCE documents how the failed island state Crucified about 230,000 Christians during the Shogunate. Such perfidy continued right into the modern era, as Angelina Jolie details in 2014's UNBROKEN how Louis Zamperini vanquished Japan's Religion based upon Emperor Worship through Christianity as the Holy Hellfire of Atom Bombs rained down upon Japan (aka, "Skull Island"). Leader Trump must not allow Sony's prevarication during THE STAR to start another World War. THE STAR tries to equate Biblical Israel with Today's Chicago, arguing that the latter's Black-on-Black Crime Epidemic simply echoes a similar wave of Jew-on-Jew terror--epitomized by the Racist depiction of King Herod here, and his henchman Goliath--as Sony rewrites the Bible. SHAME on Sony's American Fellow Travelers who participated, aided, and abetted during the production of THE STAR's travesty. Leader Trump MUST revoke their U.S. Citizenship ASAP for High Treason against the Holy Bible, and deport them to their employers back in Japan BEFORE nuking those incorrigible islands another time or 13 (he can just tell the so-called "United Nations" that we were aiming for North Korea, but messed up the coordinates a little).
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