Review of Flashburn

Flashburn (2017)
It's like someone filmed a video game. And not a good one.
14 December 2017
This is not a sci-fi thriller. It is a tedious, mawkish 2-dimensional linear script mess.

I'm not sure which film garnered the high scoring reviews under the title 'Flashburn' but I'm pretty sure it was not the one I watched.

Not sure where to start? The story might have been intriguing for a 15 minute short, woefully inadequate for the 90 minute snoozefest. As it stands, it is repetitive and requires far too much 'tell' and not enough 'show' to make things move. The plot reversals are amateur at best, and again, repetitive.

Dialogue is strained, and the 'computer voice over' both annoying and yes, repetitive. The script itself is basic, not a lot of acting skills required, and most of it is delivered in either excited (and repetitive bursts) or wondering monotone.

Production values are as low as one can get, but they did make good use of what they had, most scenes had plastic sheets and diffuse lighting as the backdrop and the empty run down warehouse did create an atmosphere, just not a very good one.

The acting was good, unfortunately limited by both script and dialogue. The two main actors had good range and delivery, their performances giving a weak film some structure.

On a positive note, for those involved in this film, they can only move onto better things.

Would I recommend this film? Hell no.
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