Blindman (1971)
15 December 2017
A "blind gunfighter"? "military intelligence"? "jumbo shrimp"? I caught this bomb last night. What a pile! I can't believe all the rave reviews it has gotten. I was trying to figure out how "Candy" (Ringo) lost his Liverpudlian accent. Either they limited his lines to 2 or 3 words (which occurred) so he could practice verbalizing sans accent or his voice was dubbed in. Should have done the "Caveman" movie trip: NO dialog! This movie has got to be one of, if not "THE worst movies ever made. I mean, what was Ringo thinking?! Don't get me wrong; I've always thought Ringo was the "smartest Beatle" and my personal favorite but maybe he was just bored and needed something to do at the time what with the recent Beatle's breakup. (Thanks Yoko and John!) If I had the chance to watch it again, I think I'd rather stick my face in the proverbial fan. No thanks!
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