11/10? How about 15/10?
16 December 2017
This, now, is by far, my favourite movie.

I originally found it on TvTropes looking for a gay romance, hopefully in the Anime category. This seemed to fit (although whether it is a romance or a friendship is somewhat ambiguous), and I decided to watch it, expecting it to be good. Surprisingly, it was on YouTube, which was a nice benefit itself.

This was not just good though, but probably my favourite movie of all time, hence this rambling and praising review!

I usually don't cry during movies. This one caused me to cry approximately four times.

This even goes beyond movies like Spirited Away for me at the moment at least, and by quite a margin. This movie, quite simply is amazing.

It's amazing, and heart breaking, and heart warming, and just plain beautiful! I can't stop praising this film!

I consider this a romance rather than a friendship myself, btw, because for one, it makes it more relatable for me, and secondly, because there a clear romantic signs like "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" which apparently signifies love in Japanese literature, and the blushing and giggling. It's largely up to interpretation however. The gender of Mei was originally up to interpretation too, actually, but revealed later. But either way, this film is amazing! If you haven't watched it, please do! I have not seen a better film in my entire life, and have barely even seen any comparable ones!

This was such a good movie, that I just had to write a long review on it, even if it is kind of rambly and doesn't contain much actual information. That's how good this movie was in my opinion!
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