Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi Review/thoughts
19 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I can't remember the last time Iv'e left a screening of a film and been so conflicted about the events I've witnessed. This review is going to be more of a general thoughts and feelings as I'm still trying to digest the film. I'll keep this as spoiler free as possible.

  • Firstly I thought the first act was the weakest, whilst the space battles were thrilling and engaging, the plot was essentially a rip-off of the the first season of the rebooted Battlestar Galatica. Whilst I loved the show, I wish that the 'story group' came up with a better story.

  • Another issue in the first act was the comedic clashes in the tone of the film. There were way too many jokes, a couple garnered a chuckle, but the majority were cringe worthy.

  • I was happy to see Poe get a larger role in this film, he is given a proper fleshed out character arc, unlike a-lot of characters. He brings charm and likeability to the story without it ever feeling exaggerated. I'm looking forward too seeing where his character will go in the next film.

  • Pretty much everything with Kylo Ren was brilliant, he really is the the standout MVP in this trilogy. His character is given extra layers of depth and turmoil, expanding on the great foundation he was given in The Force Awakens.

  • Kylo Ren and Rey's dynamic was the highlight of the film, anytime the film cutaway I wanted it to go back to them.

  • The cinematography, editing, score etc were all well done. Rian Johnson does a good job of capturing the Star Wars feel visually. There are a couple of standout moments the are just beautiful to witness. I won't elaborate further as I don't want to spoil anything, but when you see the film you'll know straight away.

  • One of the biggest issues I had was the poorly plotted scenes involving Finn, Rose and Canto Bight. It felt like it came from another film, when I was in the cinema I thought to myself that it played out more like Guardians of the Galaxy. I was really perplexed about why they went down this route. And that's not even mentioning the ridiculously on the nose politicising about animal cruelty. I mean WTF did PETA part fund this film? I'm all for subtext but this was badly misjudged.

  • The final act of the film was fantastic and it felt more like a Star Wars film. Crait is an excellent addition to the Star Wars universe. However the final battle felt slightly rushed.

All in all there were some great things in this film, however I felt like they misjudge a few plot/lore elements that I really didn't like. I'm going to talk about light spoilers in this next section so be warned!!!

_____________________________________________________________________________________SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
  • I want to mention that i'm a big fan of the whole Star Wars universe, whether that's watching Clone Wars, Rebels, reading all the new Disney canon from the Aftermath books to Guardians of the Whills. Reading all the Marvel canon comics. Heck even the now defunct legends books like Heir to the Empire, Crimson Empire, The New Republic etc.

This film let me done in one major area. And that's Luke Skywalker. Whist iv'e started to come to terms with his 'arc'. In the end it felt like a character assassination. They took everything I loved about Luke Skywalker when I was growing up and stomped it into the ground. To be honest I can see why people say that it feels like a slap in the face to fans of the extended universe.

  • I get that Disney want and in fact need to move away from the original trilogy but this felt wrong to me. The Luke Skywalker I remember would NEVER, NEVER try and kill his nephew even in a moment of weakness. He helped bring Vader back who was so far gone, and this felt like a complete cop-out. In the EU he made mistakes, but was still revered as the greatest Jedi that ever lived, he was a hero and an inspiration. In thi this film he's a crusty old hermit that milks cows.....sigh!

  • I must say I wasn't to bothered about the changes to the lore about the Jedi and force powers. I actually think it opens up some interesting directions in future films. I also really like that they brought up the contradictions of the Jedi order which was expanded in depth in the Clone Wars.

  • Another issue I had was how this film essentially made the Force Awakens completely irrelevant. Everything J.J set up has been thrown out of the window, and that left a bad taste in my mouth. I guess I can't wait to see what Snoke's origins will be in a new novel next year by Greg Rucka or someone.

  • Don't even get me started on Phasma.

In the end iv'e given this film a 3/5. I really feel like I need too re-watch this film as there was a-lot too absorb. Actually this film would of been better if it was episode 9, as it felt more like a finale then a middle film. I hope a re-watch will improve upon my initial complaints, but something the first time round just felt a bit off. Either way I hope they don't bring back Lando in 9 and then just kill him off.
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