Hardcore (2004)
A beautiful film about an alienated prostitute
9 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Two teenaged prostitutes meet and fall in love at a Greek brothel. Theirs is a jealous relationship because both of them have parallel affairs with two male prostitutes working at the same brothel. The younger prostitute Nandia (Danae Skidai) is ambitious and hatches a murderous plot that would catapult her and her lesbian lover Martha (Katerina Tsavalou) to money and fame. But Martha is a nice person and soon becomes tired of Nandia's machinations. She longs for a normal life and develops a soft corner for the fat accountant who loves Nandia.

Around 30 minutes into Hardcore, I couldn't help but draw parallels between the film and Terry Zwigoff's Ghost World (2001). The film's protagonists - two prostitutes who work in a Greek brothel, literally occupy a ghost world of paid sex, cruel pimps and drug pushers. There is even a scene where the two of them dance rhythmically standing side by side at a boring corporate party, like Enid and Rebecca in Ghost World's farewell party.

It is a terrific film shot mostly indoors in dark, dinghy and soulless rooms where soulless people indulge in soulless sex. The performances by the two leads are terrific. I strongly recommend this little known Greek film which does have graphic scenes of sex and violence.
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