Proof that the 'Halloween' series should not have been resurrected
16 January 2018
John Carpenter's 1978 'Halloween' is wholly deserving of its status as a horror classic. To this day it's still one of the freakiest films personally seen and introduced the world to one of horror's most iconic villainous characters Michael Myers.

Which is why it is such a shame that not only are all of the sequels nowhere near as good but that the decline in quality is so drastic. Ok, the original 'Halloween' is very difficult to follow on from, but most of the sequels could at least looked like effort was made into them. 'Halloween H20' is the one exception and the fourth film is also watchable. 'Halloween: Resurrection' is the worst offender. One of the worst sequels ever, of the genre and any genre, and one of the most pointless.

'Halloween H20' was a perfect place to stop the series, to have it resurrected so badly and in a way that disgraces the 'Halloween' name to intelligence insulting degrees is enough to make the blood boil. The only halfway good thing is Jamie Lee Curtis and she and her iconic character are written out in such a slap in the face way in a scene that is anything but creepy or suspenseful. Sadly that is the one scene that actually feels like it belongs in a 'Halloween' film.

Curtis aside, the acting is absolutely dreadful. By far the worst acted of the sequels, yes worse than the 'Revenge...' and 'Curse...', with the embarrassment that is Busta Rhymes being the biggest offender. The entire cast of characters are far more annoying than Tina in 'Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers' which is quite a feat.

Laughably awful dialogue, in a script that shouldn't have been approved beyond first draft if even that, can also be found. The film is even more ineptly directed than Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers' and the non-horror scenes in 'Season of the Witch'. Visually, it is far too gimmicky that it severely gets in the way of the atmosphere.

The music, after improving drastically in 'H20', is even bigger a drawback than in the fifth and sixth films, no it is no longer one of the best assets like it was in the first four films. Here it sounds cheap, goofy and just doesn't fit in placement or in tone. There is nothing remotely creepy, tense, suspenseful or even entertaining here, the deaths cause unintentional laughs, nothing creative or shocking.

The atmosphere is just ruined by that, gimmicky filming, a paper thin, confusing and ridiculous story that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, terrible dialogue and acting, intelligence insulting stupidity (Rhymes versus Michael, the nadir of the entire series bar none) and erratic pacing (mostly dull).

In summary, should never have been made, an unforgivably poor quality and pointless excuse of a sequel and a film. 1/10 (a rare rating for me these days but this deserves it). Bethany Cox
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