Review of Human Is

Electric Dreams: Human Is (2017)
Season 1, Episode 6
An Evil Future Society
19 January 2018
What some are missing as they criticize the conclusion of this episode is that the military entity here is not much different that some sort of unyielding, single minded group. Since these people are dependent on a substance necessary to their existence, they feel they can go to another planet and rape the resources of those people. When they meet resistance, they people they are stealing from try to defend themselves and keep what is theirs. It is stated early on that they have no interest in any sort of agreement or negotiations. So the others are seen as evil. Well, in the process of escaping, Bryan Cranston's comes back a different man. Of course, he is seen as having been infiltrated by the enemy. While the conclusion was a bit predictable, I still thought it was pretty good.
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