Spoiler Alerts Don't Matter Because There Is Nothing To Spoil
20 January 2018
Good job Netflix! You bought total crap! After watching this I can't help but feel like the "writers" of this trainwreck are sitting in their beanbag chairs and taking turns patting each other on the back. Instead of congratulating themselves they should be taking script writing classes. This was the laziest piece of crap that I have seen in a VERY long time. "Oh! We have a great idea for a movie!...I mean...we don't have any structure and we don't have a clue how to finish it...but maybe people will think we're geniuses for just phoning in the entire ending of the movie!"

Listen...there are no spoiler alerts here. This movie is a complete waste of time. If these two morons ever hope to make another movie...maybe they should learn something about structure...plot...climax. I feel like this movie was written on a napkin at a Denny's and then left on the table and the busboy decided to make it.

It's just awful. Stay away. And pray they never make another film in their lives. There are too many talented writers and directors out there to waste any time on these two.

There...I said it.
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