The Rezort (2015)
lost me at the part where they wonder if humans are the real zombies
20 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
EDIT: Apparently the big huge question I had of how does the Rezort keep up its stock of zombies is answered later in the film, in that they apparently mass murder refugees and make them into zombies to restock their supplies. But the answer just raises further incredibly stupid questions, like how do they get away with it without there being any questions or controversy, or the question of where thousands, if not millions, of refugees are disappearing suspiciously close to the island resort specifically meant for you to kill undead people.


I'm new to the idea of bad B zombie movies and such. This one had a semi-interesting concept which almost immediately began to come apart.

This is supposedly happening after a big apocalyptic zombie war in which 2 billion people died and ultimately defeated the zombies. There's now only zombies on a tiny island, where the white owner of the island sets it up as a resort for people to kill zombies.

Right away this just raises incredibly stupid questions that I can never get over because of how pressing they are

1) How does this Rezort idea sustain itself if the Zombie threat is over? They should only have a limited amount of zombies left. How has it gone on for almost 10 years without them running out of zombies?

2) How has this "Zombie Park" not had dozens of people end up killing each other already? There's next to 0 gun safety or gun discipline at all, people can run around with fully automatic assault rifles on their own or in small groups with no supervision, and wave their guns around at each other. There should have been at least dozens of people severely wounded or killed due simply from clumsy gun handling, not even going into stupid idiots (like the two Gamer Guys) getting into moronic fights, or some lone psychopath going on a killing spree killing the human tourists rather than the zombies.

There's a lot more stupid, idiotic things wrong that you could ask questions of, but apparently for bad B movies you're supposed to allow some degree of stupidity go, such as the fact that the zombies are only held back by electrified fences, so when the power inevitably goes out, they're able to escape the fences. But the aforementioned two questions were just too incredibly stupid for me to ever let go.

But where the movie REALLY lost me, completely and utterly, was a scene almost half way in between two of the female main characters. One of them was apparently set to go with their fiancé, who dumped her before the wedding, and so she went because the ticket was non-refundable, and the other woman was a survivor of the zombie war and still suffering trauma from being a survivor.

They have a painfully stupid, insipid little morality discussion about comparing humans to zombies, "who's the real zombie here?" and wondering if maybe they were wrong to win the zombie war, and wondering why they should've won.

Holy effing shit. Nothing else in this waste of a movie can overcome the life-ending stupidity of that scene and that discussion
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