Our Friend, Martin (1999 Video)
HOW IS THIS A EDUCATIONAL FILM?! An insult towards History!
20 January 2018
"Our Friend, Martian" is a film that is according to my research, is quite shown is a-lot of Elementary Schools, now me, I never seen this when I was in Elementary, but I do still have a nostalgic memory of seeing this film's trailer in one of the previews of Dr. Doodle with Eddie Murphy (On the film's VHS tape), and from the trailer, it looks interesting, but unfortunately I never got around seeing this, until just this pass weekend, it was just so happened to the weekend of MLK's birthday. I got to admit, this movie was not at all a great movie. Now I know I shouldn't done this review on MLK day, but of-course I didn't, but that still would not stop me from reviewing this cheese fest.

Basically the story is that a African-American Middle Schooler named Miles, is failing his History Class, and his teacher, Ms. Clark, wants him to try to keep his grade up or else he will have to repeat a grade because of her class, so to do that, Miles and his classmates, especially his Caucasian friend Randy and a bully named Kyle, and a sassy but yet intelligent Hispanic girl named Maria, went on a trip to the childhood home of Martin Luther King in their city of Atlanta, where Miles, Randy, Kyle, and Maria were allowed inside of King's bedroom by the owner of the Museum (Who is voiced by Whoopi Goldberg) where then they both time-travel through-out King's life to explored it and learned how he became famous for what he done with African-Americans, as-well the struggles he went through which lead to him doing what so. Sounds like a good film, but unfortunately the downfall is how this is all shown.

Firstly I want to talked about the Characters, now Miles kinda comes-up like a idiot in this movie, which is no wonder why he is failing a class, in one notorious part of the movie is when the kids decide to bring young Martin into their present, but when they do so, only Miles is back along with Martin. Randy, Kyle, and Maria are all there too, but completely different, now Randy and Kyle are two typical Racists who don't even know Miles because he's black and Maria is like a typical poor Hispanic Citizen who doesn't know how to speak English or even understand it. This is all because they created a Alternate Timeline in which King's Civil Rights movements never happens, and that there still the racial rules going on in the South such as Whites and Blacks have to go to separate schools that Blacks have to walk, and plus other stuff like the water fountain rule, and etc. now I don't really like this alternate timeline at all, mainly because is that there certain things that have nothing to do with Martin Luther King, like there child labor, what? How in the world Child Labor have anything to do with Martin Luther King, that was something that was taken care of in the 1910s, hey before King was even born or when the racial laws were happening in the south, and back to the whole fact of Maria not able to speak English and is treated poorly because of her Ethnicity all because of Martin Luther King work never happens, when did King ever do something to the Hispanics, yeah it is proven he wants to have everyone of different color joining into one, but that pretty much because how the African-Americans were being treated in the South, not the Hispanics, that more of Cesar Chavez's job, like didn't he even exists in this timeline either, I don't think so, it only Martin that wasn't around, and the same goes with other civil rights' leaders like where Malcolm X, would he or anyone else in general would've done anything about this instead of Martin, it literally makes zero sense, and this is why I considered this film a-bit of an insult towards history because there just screw it all up with having stuff in this alternate timeline that really ain't anything Martin Luther King would do about it, but instead someone else like Cesar Chavez or Malcolm X, but instead they just to forget about them, and want to be more focusing on Martin here which technically they're just insulting History, along with Child Labor. Another thing, Sexism often occurs because of Martin being gone, yes probably other issue to do with Sociology beside Racism is occuring because of Martin's absent, I guess other issues such as Homophobia still occurs, that might mean Harvey Milk is absent for no good reason. Now sorry I was complaining about how just terrible they did with the Alternate reality, I probably want to go back talking about how ignorant Miles is with this, he literally does not know what going on, like he doesn't realizes right away he and his friends along with Martin created an Alternate Timeline, how more stupid you can even get, that just makes this character more unlikable and just forgettable. Randy, seems like a joke as he's like a skateboarder with a southern Accent, which kinda confuses me because he only white character who is from the South that talks like that, not Kyle nor Ms. Clark, now Kyle is another character who is basically just a weak character, especially a bully character, it just seems like he really a innocent kid who is often get disrespect by the others, which doesn't makes him looks more of a bully, and when he's racist in the alternate timeline, he seems kinda less racist to be honest. Now Maria, I literally can't get started with this ungrateful brat. I literally hates this character, how her smartness is portrayed is ruined by she treats Miles, Randy, and especially Kyle. In this film, sorta shows us there's going to be bad happening to her, but unfortunately we didn't got that, if you even count the pointless "Can't speak English" scene.

So over-all this movie is just a big slob of a mess, just offend the knowledges of anyone who knows about History. I still don't get how there Elementary schools that shows this film, which like 50% wrong about History and the Civil Rights movements of the 50s and 60s, and I can only imagined how anyone who sees this movie as a kid in Elementary School, and literally thoughts this is what Martin Luther King, prepared to be wrong later in life. There some positive stuff I can say like the story I kinda like, and the whole feel of the 90s I thought that was good too, and it was a-bit interesting going through King's life, except for the Civil Rights March, where they met a young Ms. Clark, which doesn't makes sense, because that was the 60s and this is mainly set in 1999, so how a woman in her 40s and would've been in her 20s back then, like just Calculate it. So that basically it, if you want to see a Martin Luther King movie, I guess this is it, but if you're a history person, I would say you stay away from this.
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