Nope you didn't make it!
5 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Some say in paradise the pain will dissolve into peaceful thoughts. This episode is just the opposite.

We now know the spores are back to get beaten down again eventually. Spore drives will in a future episode end. This is a fact. Deal with it.

We know whomever we trust from a mirrored universe they will eventually turn against us. The federation do have some issues in leadership when they always promote a bad person to the captains chair. Manuscript is flawed and uninventive. Now the samurai is back leading the vessel. Can we expect from the teaser of the next season finale a conflict? ofc, we can.

Security/Klingon officer is whining in a corner and is broken. Why Klingons speak Russian/American accent is a no brainier. Wouldn't it be more interesting if Klingons spoke some Jamaican accent instead? - Hai, man. Let us blo' up some fa'daration stations.

oki, spoilers. The episode terraforms a planet in like 10 minutes? Well, it started as a sci-fi show and now we are close to magic powers. Will we soon see elves spawn from sareks world too?

Federation protocol also call upon sane captains and leaders. wow, that works. The only creature still sane is Saru, the tall dude. Even if he now knows his race are slaves in a mirrored universe he still the best leader on the vessel. The other are so brutally scripted they are lost in translation.

Then massive conversations to explain and repair all damage done to the ST universe. How do we explain the side track to a Mirrored universe? Well, we're not. We're doing it the easy way and classify the hell out of the mission and tell anyone about it. in a conference room and 2 minutes later we have put a lid on the seven earlier episodes and thrown them in a round trash can. well, we suffer. Let's move on.

What's left of the debris? One starship STD that will eventually destroy Kronos and we'll all go home happy. Yup, waste of time and won't watch a rerun of the show.
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