Nonsense continues
10 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When the very idea of another pre-Kirk show was even mooted there was a very clear statement that it would not interfere with the existing canon.

13 episodes later we have;
  • Spock's adopted sibling, never before referenced.
  • Magical intra-universe teleportation drive (it's ok, we will destroy a key component of its operation in ep 12. Oh wait, grew replacements in ep13).
  • A Klingon war that all but wipes out the Federation.
  • A Starfleet which lies to its crew members before intentionally attacking the Klingon homeworld under a Mirror Universe Captain.

And this is before we get into all the nonsense of the badges/uniforms/ships/effects etc. which all clearly post-date ST:TNG, and don't even work if you assume this is the Kelvin timeline.
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