Don't be fooled. The only reason you see less 1/10 ratings is most old Trek fans cant bare to keep watching this dumpster fire burn
12 February 2018
Simple as that. I stopped watching from episode 5. This series is offensive trash. If you watch these "After Trek" episodes they put up on netflix after a new episode has aired.. You'll get a perfect idea of who they replaced Brian fuller with on this series. If you read about his vision, is was much closer aligned with the values and ideas of what makes trek.. well. 'Strak trek'... And he left it open for so much change and adapting to how fans react, which previous treks absolutely did at the time. They were a shows for the fans. Made by people that truly loved trek, Not the suits and people trying to push there own brand on a franchise that already has one. You can clearly see it in the after netflix shows.. these people clearly dont give a feck about the original shows at all. Just look at reviews of earlier episodes when we were still trying to give this show a chance. You'll see a abundance of lower scored reviews. Mixed in with some legitimate high score reviews, and a bunch of fakes. Just like the paid for RT scores. That site has become a joke in the last few years as far as im concerned. No integrity with most people on it, and the people reviewing from all the shitty blogs of the Internet and youtubers get there say on there now. Its a legit joke. You can see the obvious conflict in the audience score, with new people finding the show who have no sense of the older series. I can fully understand new people seeing it as a series on par with any new series put up on scifi now like 'Dark matter', 'The expanse' (which is a legitimately good show but so different than DS9 or ST etc.. that i wouldnt ever compare them as trying to do the same thing... STD is obviously trying to do allot more of what the expanse is doing than what older trek did) and on par with its level of writing with kill joys, falling skies or some other lower budget scifi series. Its just so far removed from what trek is that the only thing associating with is dialogue. You could dub over them, edit out their star fleet badges and make a entirely new show not called star trek and pull it off. Make is some alternative history of the expanse 200 years in the future. Why not. They're making a men in black mishmash with 21 jumpstreet sequel.. the world is getting to the idiocracy point. all i hoped for over a decade was a new star trek series that made me feel happy and good like the old ones did .... Im worried thats never going to happen.
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