Swing State (2017)
See it, it's funny
13 February 2018
I was sure from all the one star revues this had to be some kind of political disaster movie. I thought 'skip it' but then I hit all the ten out of ten revues and suddenly I was interested. What could have upset all the One Star reviewers? Why this dichotomy? They attacked the actors (?) and almost every aspect of the direction. Yet the 'Tenners' all seemed to have seen a quite different movie and their criticisms seemed a little more nuanced. In fact when I went back and reread the 'Oners' they all seemed to have the same basic nasty tone and could easily have been written by the same person. I watched the preview movie and got enough of a chuckle out of it to commit to viewing the whole deal. After all the last movie that was called "the worst movie ever" is now a "classic" bad movie and the director/auteur is all over the internets. Pretty soon you'll see why the 'Oners' failed to appreciate this film, it's a humorous take on the right-wing radio show and the kind of faint hearted and barely educated version of humanity it espouses. Is it a great movie that cuts the knees from under the right-wing-nut-job agenda? Certainly not. It's a bit clumsy in places is about the worse I can say but it's actually quite well written, mostly, and the actors all put in a good comedic turn. And it's funny. And that it got up the nose of some of it's maga-minded audience is hardly surprising. Alex Beh is a standout in how he manages to change his entire character for his "role" without dieting, prosthetics or a fake accent. I hope he has a great career ahead. Yes the story is kinda dumb but I imagine the underlying conclusion the director wants the audience to take away is how lacking in scruples and morality the right wing talk radio pundits are. And he succeeds by making a funny not perfect movie. See it, the one star revues are way off base but those kind of people are known for poor decision making and seeing this movie was for them just one more bad move.
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