******* Prophetic
19 February 2018
As another reviewer mentioned, I wonder if The Duke of Windsor ever saw this film and took his cue from George Arliss. The story revolves about a King who has lost his appetite for being one, and yearns for the woman he was forced to leave behind. It is 18 years later now and he tries to adjust to her lifestyle and to his daughter. He was forced to dissolve the marriage , leaving them both to become king.

The story is a lovely old antique of the kind no longer made, a gentle romantic comedy played to perfection by Arliss and his former wife, played by Marjorie Gateson. His wife as a king is played by his real life wife, Florence Arliss. It is very short at 61 minutes but gives the viewer a glimpse of the marvelous talent and magnificent stage presence that was George Arliss. His presence makes this pedestrian story a must for viewers who appreciate excellence in acting.
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