Carbon (2017)
A good corruption/crime thriller
14 March 2018
This film is based on the 2008-09 carbon-quota scandal that occurred in France, but it's not a white-collar crime film like Wolf of Wall Street or anything of that sort that takes place mostly in offices, banks, courtrooms, etc.

It's more of a street crime film, where the world of street gangs intersects with financial crimes and fraud, along with legitimate businesses, dirty cops and clean ones.

It's an interesting film, but it tackles a subject too big and flies by too fast, making you doubt that some events took place during a week or a month. The sense of time is lost in editing. There's enough material here to make a mini-series (like Les Beaux Mecs, 2011... there are actually a lot of similarities with Les Beaux Mecs) but TV shows are not for everyone.

The production values are high, casting, etc. The only flaw I have with this movie is the editing. There was a scene at the start of the film that should not have been there. The passage of time was also not well shown.

Other than that, I'd give it a 6.5 rounded up to a 7/10.
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