It's not bad film. As for me, it's a good one!
15 March 2018
I didn't had a high hope for this movie even though it has high rating here on IMDB. Some films have high rates but they are not good, such as Blade Runner 2049. So, I even though this would turn out like Blade Runner 2049, but it didn't. And I must admit that It's kind of rare to see that an Asian film gets high rating like this, that's why I watched it.

The plot is so simple. The lead character, a journalist investigates a cold accident case happened nine years ago. The film mainly includes about the accident, how it happened and who the culprit was. As the movie goes, it gets interesting even though it's a little boring. But not as boring as Blade Runner 2049 and it didn't make me sleepy even when I was feeling sleepy because I was about to go to bed when I watched this film. But the film kept me awake.

The main thing I like the most is they presented the accident one by one. As the film goes, you'll know how the accident happened one by one. Even though it almost arrives to the end, the story is not complete, but it fits. When the movie is coming to the end, all things become clear and you know the truth about that accident. It's a kind of film that you won't know who the responsible people are if you don't watch to the end.

They really made the film to make people excited. Well, it worked on me. Some scenes are so exciting because of the background sound. So, nice work with sound editing and mixing.

There are four things that I don't like. One is the main character actor. I mean everybody likes handsome boys are on leading role. But it doesn't mean that the actor is terrible. The performance of that leading actor was great. Also all other actors and actresses'. It'd be great if there were pretty boys. It's just my opinion. Hehe.

Second is the background sound. I accept the fact that they should make the audience excited while watching the film. But they also made other unexciting scenes too. I found a scene which wasn't that much exciting, but they made it to excite the audience. What a waste!

Thirdly, the apartments. But I don't know how it seem to the other people. But as for me, according to the video quality of the film I've got, the apartments looked creepy and haunted. When I saw those apartments, I was afraid. Not to mention living there, just seeing made afraid. They should have made the environment a little bit warmer.

The final one is sex scenes. I mean do people really like a film only there are kissing and sex scenes? I think Asians have also considered like that. So, they put kissing and sex scenes in the film just to get high rates. As for me, it's really a bad idea and also it reduces the standard of a film. You can call me old-fashioned or whatever, but I rather like normal films without such scenes.

All in all, it's wrapping with mysteries. And it's reveal method is part by part. It's like watching the flower blossom petal by petal. But before the last one reveled, the story also fits. It's like a camouflage. That is the only thing that made me like this film.

I don't know why some people thought this film was a bad one. Even it's not great to those people, it should be a fine film. I saw some reviewers don't give their best to an Asian film but they give to American films. I don't know why they do that. But all films deserve equality. So, I'd say it's a good one for me. As for you all, even it's not your favourite, it should be enjoyable.
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