Yu-Gi-Oh! (I) (2000–2006)
One of the better Japanese cartoon monster animes
23 March 2018
After Digimon and Pokemon I was wondering what other anime would come into American culture. Then there was Yu-Gi-Oh. There's a lot of interesting things in there, including battles between good and evil, Ancient Egypt, creatures that would make Ray Harryhausen proud (some of which can be a little disturbing), and a good cast of characters (some of whom you can relate to in real life). I know some online people who love this show and while I'm not a big, huge fan, I thought it was entertaining. I never collected the cards (I'm not big on card games, though I did collect some of the Decipher Star Wars CCG line) and I'd never even heard of Yu-Gi-Oh until I watched the show in the early 2000s. I haven't seen so much creature action since the Harryhausen films, or should I say Digimon and Pokemon?
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