The Beast Within The Making of Alien: Actually manages to make the film look worse
3 April 2018
I think Alien (1979) is overrated, there I said it. So good to get that off my chest.

Though it spawned an outstanding sequel I find it underwhelming and therefore I went into this documentary prepared to be unimpressed.

I did however expect a better constructed making off film than this. Somehow, someway The Beast Within manages to be incredibly boring and make a cult movie look really quite poor.

Featuring interviews with most of the cast, a few sfx explanations and lots of background on the film these 3hrs really drag as it's almost as if they just don't have much to say about the movie.

Hurt & Weaver don't get much of a spotlight and Kotto is entirely absent. Most of the interviews are with those behind the camera, especially Giger & Ridley.

Not being a fan of the film it was at a disadvantage from the outset, but regardless I can recognise a poorly contructed documentary when I see one.

The Good:

Few decent interviews

Couple of interesting stories

The Bad:

Remarkably boring

Very little content considering the run time

Things I Learnt From This Documentary:

Giger always made me feel very deeply uncomfortable
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