Truth or Dare (I) (2018)
probably the worst horror flick in 2018 and it's only april
22 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I went to watch this film because the trailer looked promising but what I got was a very ordinary and stupid plot of a film.

The opening started promising yes with an interesting topic of players choosing truth or dare and if they don't do the mission, they die. Interesting plot with interesting build up of character that's showing the douchiness of the friends and a cheater and friends who are dumb enough to cover for that mess.

Why I thought this film was crap was when that blonde chick was revealed to have slept with multiple guys. Okay, fair enough she's a slut but the fact that the main character was covering for that and that blonde friend got mad for revealing the truth. The build up of character is all a mess and where their priority lies is just all over the place. The fact that the blonde chick gets mad when she was the one doing all the cheating and the boyfriend Lucas not even getting 1 single bit mad at this fact. Literally the ONLY sad truth or dare part was when that Asian character had to get his dad to beg for his life. The truth or dare that lies between the blonde, the boyfriend and the main character is just stupid. "Tell the truth that you have feelings for me" "I dare you to sleep with me" "I dare you to tell your friend that your pedophile friend tried to rape me but I told him to kill himself". Did a 7th grader write this plot ? lol what a joke.
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