Rampage President Down: An unpleasant finale to an unpleasant trilogy
23 May 2018
I have a tremendous amount to say about Rampage 3 so bear with me.

Rampage: President down is the third and hopefully final movie in a Uwe Boll created franchise that is very uncomfortable viewing. Written by him and lead star Brendan Fletcher the story of all three movies is essentially an angry young man who dons body armour and automatic weapons and goes on rampages killing countless innocents. And he's the lead, therefore it's very hard to care about the protagonist or rather the films don't have one. Throughout the films he spews his reasons which are a combination of left and right wing politics.

Now to be clear much of what he says makes perfect sense and I agree with him, but they are in no way reasons to kill innocent people let alone bring about the finale of this film.

This is the movie creator Uwe Boll went on a rant about online. Because he couldn't get in funded on Kickstarter he attacked the public verbally claiming they were stupid for watching Hollywood films and being sheep. Boll was already hated, this didn't help his case.

Now I don't mind him, I think the man is an idiot but as a film maker he's fine. Yes he's made some stinkers, some really bad films in fact and I think this franchise is the crown jewel of crap.

Next something has to be noted. As I mentioned our leads rants are a combination of political stances, and for that reason it was inevitable you'd have people make the whole film politically motivated (Which it clearly isn't). The highlighted review on the IMDB page is a gentleman claiming the entire film is "Leftist" propaganda. This demonstrates to me that he doesn't understand left stances and certainly doesn't have a clue what propaganda is. A movie involving a character talking about subjects that you disagree with is no more propaganda than Black Panther was for African American succession.

Have you ever noticed how people treat left/right like football teams, vigorously defending them to the point of hostility? Have you noticed how all the derogative terms come from one side? Leftist, Libtard, Snowflake all aimed at the Left from the Right. The side that supports guns, has a history of bigotry, homophobia, racism and theocratic views is the hostile one? Does this surprise anyone?

This movie isn't propaganda for either political stance, to claim so is pitiful and screams agenda. The person in question who made such a ridiculous claim has a profile made up of the VAST majority of films getting a 1/10. Hateful individual which again isn't much of a surprise. Get a grip.

This final movie is well written and certainly has talking points but as a form of entertainment it is very much lacking. I fail to see the point of 90 minutes of a man killing innocent people.

The Good:

Matt Frewer

Well written for the most part

A great movie for "Talking points"

The Bad:

Uncomfortable viewing

Who am I supposed to be rooting for?

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

White people CAN be referred to as terrorists

Claiming real living celebrities are dead in a movie is really rather unpleasant
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