Keeping Faith (2017–2021)
Strong story, some problems with execution
31 May 2018
This is a well-plotted thriller about a vanished spouse, with the twist that the main character has to try to figure out what happened to her missing husband while caring for three small children, one of them an infant. It does get a bit preposterous toward the end when her parental rights are challenged, but by that point the story is full of melodramatic baddies and other fun if unrealistic elements and I was all in. I stayed up late to see what happened.

As several reviewers have pointed out, the main actress has some difficulty with the part. Her performance is so exaggerated that for all her stomping and hair-swishing and outbursts, it's not always easy to figure out what Faith is really thinking. She overacts, and as a result, there is no proportion to Faith's display of emotions. Is she frightened or impatient or furious or what? All of her feelings, even the trivial ones, are turned up to 11 and so you never know what the stakes really are for her, whether she is seriously considering abandoning her loyalty to her husband or on the verge of a nervous breakdown or just in a snit.

Lastly, the music really is horrible and maudlin, with same very bad singer-songwriter tune played over and over again so that I actually began muting it until it was over. The regular, more ambient music, on the soundtrack was intrusive as well. Overall, the series is just trying too hard to amp up the emotions of dramatic situations that should be able (and I think are able) to generate those emotions organically.
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