Earthfall (2015 TV Movie)
Just another run-of-the-mill disaster movie that puts Earth at risk of annihilation...
9 June 2018
Well I had expected something much, much worse than what "Earthfall" actually turned out to be.

Sure, this was a very generic and predictable disaster movie, but then again so are 90% of the movies in this particular genre. Yet we still watch them for some odd reason. For me it is on the offbeat chance that the movie actually is outstandingly entertaining; which most of them aren't, sadly enough.

The story here is about the Earth being pulled out of its orbit and sent hurling into space. Right, very simple, very generic, isn't it? There were heaps of flaws in the movie, of course. And while I am not a man of science or anything, but if the Earth is sent out of its orbit wouldn't that heavily influence the atmosphere gravity and the polar points?

I loved how the freezing storm claimed a man's life in less than mere seconds by freezing him solid, yet the female protagonist escaped that fate by merely pulling a blanket up to her chest! Yeah, that was plausible.

The special effects and CGI in the movie were actually adequate for a movie of this caliber, so thumbs up there.
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