Heaven's Fire (1999 TV Movie)
Heaven's Fire: Well below par action flick
29 June 2018
I don't like action movies at this best of times but this is well below par even for that genre.

Starring Eric Roberts & Jürgen Prochnow it tells the story of a group of disgruntled former government employees who plan on getting back at old employers by stealing over 100 million dollars. Sadly things don't go to plan and they find themselves stuck in a burning building as well as an innocent tourist group.

But never fear as we also have fellow former government worker Eric Roberts there to save the day and the stakes are high as his future wife, her daughter and his son just happen to be there as well. Oh did I mention his ex wife and former friend are involved as well?

Cliched all the way to hell and back, looking seriously cheap and lacking any form of originality this messy action flick is one for true action junkies only.

The Good:

I liked the bit where it ended

The Bad:

Embarassing cover art

Some of the writing is ridiculously bad

That final stare down was comedic

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Closing a wooden door will protect you from an incoming crashing helicopter

When performing a flying kick through a window one must always consider the landing

At no point does anyone acknowledge just how much to blame the antagonist is for everything that happens!
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