Documents Revealed Are The Importance Here
8 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There is no way a totally balanced documentary of JFK can be presented. JFK was too complex and complicated for that to be done. I mean, there are more legends and hoaxes about JFK to present him properly in any possible way.

For example, the film P.T. 109 tells a story that represents that the PT boat being hit by a Japanese War Ship and cut in half caused his famous back problem. Years later, it has been found out that the real cause of his back is a child hood disease that was treated with steroids, years before medicine knew anything about these drugs side effects, degraded his back before the war, permanently and for life.

Yet other legends are out there about him with this bad back being some kind of sex machine, with women who were not even born yet claiming to been beded by JFK. Some of the affairs he had might be true, but it is doubtful they all are.

What this documentary does do is present documents and evidence about what he was trying to accomplish, and what he did accomplish. The film does a good job of keeping public opinions of JFK out of the script. For this they deserve a lot of credit. They present to document evidence about getting out of Vietnam, not the opinion of whether he would have. They present documents about meetings about nuke war. They present documents about meetings that were policy JFK Initiated.

This ends very strongly with the evidence of a meeting on November 22, 1963 that when he was shot, his representative was meeting with Fidel Castro about opening normal relations with Cuba. If JFK had lived that day, it is very possible the anti-Castro Cubans might have killed him later for even starting such meetings.

As it is, the complex questions around the complex person JFK was still remain. There are still sealed records about JFK the government will not reveal in 2018. Why does this "ghost" still haunt our officials? Maybe we should ask the folks since who with "Free Trade" have endangered our existance by screwing up our environment even more than 2 World Wars, Korea, & Vietnam did, and are still trying to prevent free trade from going away because they do not give a damn about people?

Man made climate change has sped up because of free trade. Free Trade has fundamentally weakened the US by destroying our labor force, causing a baby bust in the US, and all the current real statistics on drop outs, drug addiction, and many other measures have gotten worse than when free trade started 30 plus years ago. The policy has endangered the government and social security as well. All so some International Corporations CEO's could profit, at the expense of the entire world.

This documentary proves that there is a path leading to our current problems, and it started here. Amazingly it could have ended in the 1960's too, but somehow we muddled through. We are still muddling.
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