Afterlife: Lower Than Bones (2005)
Season 1, Episode 2
2 August 2018
Lower then Bones is one of the very best episodes from a wonderful series. The quality of this one is incredibly high. This is a 48 minute drama packed with so much content, it's harrowing, intriguing, gripping, and if you're not totally hard hearted it will have you shedding a tear.

The subject matter, as with the opening episode is quite horrific, the content definitely harrowing, but at least with this one you're given a conclusion that feels to fit somehow,

After dealing with Robert's scepticism previously, Alison this time has a Police man with an open mind, her scenes with DI George are incredibly powerful, showcasing her vast acting capabilities.

Naysayers will say we get swinging light fittings and pulled off bed sheets, but they're not done to scare or shock, they're done to display torment and fear, so I can forgive the cliches.

Once again the episode is done in a way that contradicts the dark tragedy of the story, the music is soothing and sweet, it's beautifully filmed, almost softly, but once again the massive quality is visible.

Powerful drama, 10/10
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