Patient Zero (I) (2018)
I wish I could give 0/10
14 August 2018
I have made an exception to my general stance of steering clear of reviewing movies on IMDb. I understand that viewing a movie can be such a subjective experience, with each viewer generally entitled to their opinion of what is laid before them.

And then there is this. The plot line is so mangled and nonsensical, changing its direction every 5-10 minutes, its as if the writers were trying to steer a sinking ship clear of the rocks, but all they managed to do was crash it even quicker.

The acting was terrible. Not even a solid cameo role from Stanley Tucci could bring any light into this horror storm. I am generally a fan of Matt Smith, and Natalie Dormer, and I will die wondering what drove them to appear in this movie, were there spouses kidnapped and held for ransom?

I have spent enough words writing on this movie now, I implore anyone who reads this to stay as far away from this movie as they can, it is objectively awful. I would rather eat glass than watch it again.
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