Review of Cannabis

Cannabis (2016)
17 August 2018
6 hours of my life I'll never get back.

Shallow script, C to F rated acting. Lots of sodomy and sick deranged scenes. This is Cannabis, not Narcos' European Edition.

Quite unrealistic, the story drags, the characters are shallow, it's labored, delayed and clichéd.

The scene in the last episode where the doctor is shot after giving birth is especially perverse.

The drama is the worst bit, there is no depth. It's shallow and misses the mark every single time.

Absolutely nothing saves this series, even the cameos do nothing for it. The characters are pretty bone headed in their actions too, even for stoners. Very unrealistic. There is no reason to watch this series, whatsoever. The lead "French" protagonist has a terrible accent when she speaks that's grating for even my non-French ears. I kept thinking it was going to get better but it never did. So bad.
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