This is actually THAT bad
12 September 2018
When I started reading the reviews I simply couldn't believe it. I mean, The Ninth Passenger was a long-awaited horror film starring decent actors like Metcalfe and Fast. For a moment I thought all the hate reviews were organized somehow. Oh boy, how wrong I was. The movie is a ridiculous mess of a lame script, dull characters and acting beyond awful. Every single person on a screen was painful to watch. So, a horror movie, huh? There are no sight of anything thrilling in first 40 minutes. Not even some scary opening scene like in any self-respecting horror film. And when there's finally a liitle bit of a blood smears and puddles, what do we get? Some guy in a silly monster costume. A bad one. Nope, not scary at all.

Lazy start, absurd second act and sketchy ending - this is what The Ninth Passenger is. Absolutely pointless, dumb and unnecessary waste of time even if you're a hard forror fan. Well, if you're not, you can even laugh a bit. But not recommended anyway.
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