Why this production team didn't get the proper licenses and clearances from the Star Trek owners ?
21 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- Prelude to Axanar, 2014. Star Trek: "Axanar" takes place 21 years before the events of the original Star Trek series pilot episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before". "Axanar" tells the story of Garth of Izar, the legendary Star fleet captain who was Captain Kirks hero, and his crew during the Four Years War with the Klingon Empire that almost tore the Federation apart.

*Special Stars- Richard Hatch, Tony Todd, Kate Vernon, Gary Graham, J.G. Hertzler, Alec Peters.

*Theme- Trademark and copyrighted elements are the property of the original owner's and any re-use is protected by license and international law. It protects artists and originators from piracy.

*Trivia/location/goofs- On the basis of a film 'teaser' being shown on the Internet and at sci-fi events, they got interest from the public. This MEGA funded (Internet crowd funded- $800,000) fan film has caused first a controversy and then a legal suit with the original trademark and copyright owners, CBS/Paramount. The producers also opened their own production studio complex in Santa Clarita, CA based on making the full film. The legal suit is in the courts now for the Axanar producers being sued for their apparent illegal re-use of Star Trek elements without license or permission.

*Emotion- Members of this production group; lawyers (Alec Peters), union actors, and film production technicians produced a 'teaser' project to seek money investors for the final feature film. This was stopped legally with a court suit by CBS/Paramount, the owners of Star Trek franchise. Why this production team didn't get the proper licenses and clearances from the Star Trek owners is unbelievable. Seems like a 'no brainer' to hurt the Star Trek franchise that millions love today. The Trek audience is being scammed. (*uPDATE-The Axanar production was stopped and all production disbanded and the santa Clarita studio property was closed & sold off. Alec Peters moved to a southern state to continue his efforts. Paramount Pictures/CBS generously came out with a list of fan films tough guidelines they will allow in any new fandom video or film projects starting in the future. These studio official guidelines have changed fan project film & video productions.)

*Based On- Star Trek TOS and Trek book canon.
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