Love Me If You Dare (2015–2016)
Great disappointment
24 September 2018
This drama was very weird.

In the beginning it is mind-blowing. The romance is cute and hilarious, the crime stories are logic, and dialogues are witty. You are waiting that the scriptwriter (the one of the brilliant Nirvana in Fire) is going to explain all the mysteries and combine every plot-line (crimes, love, mental twists of the hero) in a very clever and dramatic way.

But THEN from ep. 15 or 16 everything changes.

The show now looks like a cheap action movie, full of clichés and predictable. The characters lose their individualities, the crazy hero becomes a usual person, the girl disintegrates into a stupid damsel in distress. The pace is totally off. Now it is just a clumsy story about the gang of maniacs haunting the hero. Some mysteries of the first half are merely forgotten.

Of course, Wallace is gorgeous actor, I like his big black eyes, he steals the show but the best actor couldn't rescue this stuff.

Many TV dramas have problems with the plot in the final part but here this problem is particular.

Looks like somebody (TV producers? Chinese censorship?) intervened the shooting and quickly converted the show into a low-grade action movie. Maybe they ran out of money? Some traces of the original plot (more dramatic or even tragic and less soapy one), some Chekhov's guns remained in the first half but they don't shoot.

9 for the beginning, 3 for the ending, 6 as the average.
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