A great showcase for Warren William
25 September 2018
The Mouthpiece is a great showcase for the thespian talents of Warren William playing a great criminal defense attorney. This was the golden age of them with Clarence Darrow, Earl Rogers and James Fallon on whom William's character was loosely based. They and the notorious clients they represented provided much colorful copy for the tabloids of the day.

At one time William was a prosecutor and a good one. But when he sends an innocent young man to the electric chair something snaps inside him. Better to be saving the innocent than killing them. Soon he realizes that a lawyer with his skills can make a lot more money on that side of the courtroom.

One priceless scene is William negotiating an out of court deal over an embezzlement charge that John Wray is really quite guilty of. William really handles it beautifully.

Young tiny Sidney Fox goes to work for William in his law office and William falls for her. But she likes William Janney who's good looking enough, but has no dynamic personality. When Janney is accused of stealing bonds, she goes to William for help and it's the beginning of his downfall.

Aline McMahon as William's super efficient above and beyond the call of duty secretary gives one of her most memorable screen performances. Ditto for J. Carrol Naish in one of his early screen roles as a hood that William gets off with one spectacular gesture in court.

The Mouthpiece really belongs to Warren William. It's certainly easy to see why they chose him for Perry Mason in movie series.
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