Intense and shattering
1 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There are 3 things I love about Ryan Gosling. Obviously he's an incredibly attractive guy, and even for me as a heterosexual male he's effective in that respect. There's also the soul capturing performances he naturally delivers and my statistical experience with his films weighing heavily in his favour.

A stunt cycling a discovers he's an illegitimate father. He turns to robbing banks in a hasty attempt to greatly provide for his son. Needless to say it goes pearshaped right around the time things stop working it for him and he stuffs it up, gets shot in a legal altercation. The cop that kills him goes on to excise corruption in the police force and succeeds in his career, but his career comes at the cost of a secure family for him. All the while he never forgets the son of the man he killer in the line of duty. Of course, the son is never told of his father's dark past so when he finds out during his angst laden adolescence, shit turns sour and he does some bad things.

The moral of the story is left to interpretation and isn't really grounded in one specific lesson, but throughout the film the viewer can find themself wishing they could intervene, show support and bring clarity to a life situation the characters, the confusion and muddy perception of which all these characters are suffering. What I take away from this film is another example of the powers of truth, integrity and honesty, and the consequences of the contrary to these qualities.

Powerful film, I hope to see more from those involved in its making
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