Interesting adaptation of the Jekyll/Hyde story
7 October 2018
Edge Of Sanity is a dark thriller/horror movie and is an interesting and sordid, sleazy take on the Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde story with nods to Jack The Ripper spliced in as well. Anthony Perkins is up for the task and delivers a solid and very creepy performance in this film. His experiments with cocaine, bring to life evil persona Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde has a lot fun serial fornicating and slashing the throats of beautiful hookers across Victorian era London. The story is not always cohesive in the way it is told, but it more than makes up for it with stunning cinematography and stunning actresses that have no problem disrobing for this film. The film has a nice score and some Gothic atmosphere as well. As Mr. Hyde, Anthony Perkins looks like he would blend in easily at a Sisters Of Mercy or Bauhaus show. The supporting cast is good, but the visuals and Anthony Perkins performance are what most commands the audience's attention. The film here is pretty grim and violent as well, this is not recommended for the squeemish. Edge Of Sanity is a depraved, unhinged and highly erotic, if that sounds good to you, I doubt this flick will let you down.
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