Doctor Who: Arachnids in the UK (2018)
Season 11, Episode 4
Was This Originally Called "trump Towers" ?
30 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
DOCTOR WHO is first and foremost a family friendly horror show. If you want to scare the little ones there are few worst things than big hairy spiders. The show has done this before in 1974 with Planet Of The Spiders , except they had wimpy anorexic bald spiders that wouldn't scare a carol singer . Kill The Moon tried it with spider like bacteria monsters but that episode collapsed with silly science that really jumped the shark . With Arachnids In The UK we almost get a flawless story of out and out horror but the final third blows it

The horror aspects are very well done and this cynical old bloke had to watch from between his fingers with some scenes . When you've got entertainment like this DOCTOR WHO is peerless. The problem is that the production team don't think this is enough so have to introduce morality and satire and do so in a completely heavy handed way it becomes distracting . Why kill the Queen spider by suffocating her in a panic room when you can shoot her ? That's because guns are bad where as suffocating things isn't . Sorry but I don't understand the thinking behind this . Why not include a scene where the spiders are shown to be bullet proof ? That's because politics has to get in the way . Robertson is a parody of American politicians and is so unsubtle it took me out of the drama . Maybe the character could have been female and called Clinton because that'll be someone running for president in 2020. It's not like Hilary and the Democrats are innocent of corporate greed that sets up the story

I'll never miss an episode of DOCTOR WHO as long as I live. The early Chibnall era fills me some hope . The stories are entertaining and very easy to follow unlike the Moffat era and the present Tardis crew are very likable but I do wish if we are getting politics then the politics are hidden within subtext like we had in the classic show. Here the politics are so heavy handed and boorish I thought I was reading a column in The Guardian newspaper
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