Calm Yourself (1935)
It starts off reasonably well but ultimately fizzles.
4 November 2018
When the story begins, Pat (Robert Young) is fired from his job by making time with the boss' daughter. Suddenly Pat gets an open up a company to do dirty jobs...things folks don't want to do themselves. The idea is not as sure as Pat thinks...and his new company struggles. Ultimately, however, he ends up taking a job in keeping a lady away from her father's house, caring for a scary dog AND watching a baby...which turns out to be a kidnapping! How can Pat extricate himself from this mess? And, what of the lady, as she and Pat have started to fall in love.

The idea started off pretty well. However, as the story progressed, it became more kooky and ridiculous. Additionally, since you never really like Pat very much, it also becomes tedious. Not terrible...just not very good despite coming from MGM. And, I agree with one of the other reviewers who felt the whole thing came off as forced...and loud at the end.
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